©Helen Denise. First published 2005.
To make dreams real, first you have to have them —I liked the phase very much. Suddenly I realized that it has determined my whole life and has become a driving force offering huge energy and allowing me to turn my dreams into reality. I have lived my entire life and never let myself go, always kept a firm and healthy body, kept up my looks and carried myself very well. I feel perfect in my appearance and loving other people helps and empowers me in everything I do.
I would like to share the story of my life with you, it might help a lot of women to become strong, motivated, and happy despite all the hardships and surprises that fate may have in store for you. And it is up to you to judge if you can consider me to be "A WOMAN, WHO HAS NEVER LET HERSELF GO —emotionally, spiritually and physically".
I was born in Russia, in a trouble-free family. My parents loved me and gave me a lot of attention. I studied at a musical school and an Advantage English school at the same time. Then there was high school. Our family was very close, but my parents were very strict. The whole family often spent vacations together and our morning routine was doing our morning exercises together. My father not only attentively watched news about nutrition, but also made us strictly follow a healthy way of life.
The experience of my teenage years might probably have given me the foundation for believing that life is a very simple thing, and that if you wish something with all your heart, it will inevitably come true. Moreover, I was absolutely devoid of the feeling of any fear.
I realized that I had to study hard in order to obtain a good and interesting job in the future. And you can believe me I was studying very hard. When I entered college, I faced injustice for the first time in my life and I had to understand that life was a struggle in which only the strongest will succeed.
After I graduated from college my work was connected with people. My work was to help people by protecting their interests and my life was being surrounded by hundreds of people. There were different biographies, thousands of life stories, and this kind of work was stimulating, giving me power and energy. At the same time my dreams, strange as it was, were coming true.
I got married and soon our beautiful daughter was born. Every child is a beautiful, precious gift to their parents. During this time in my life I liked my job. I invested not only my time but a part of my soul as well. Soon after my daughter was born my first trips abroad started and only when I saw a very different kind of life, I realized that I had been deceived. And that deceit may take place not only in life, but in politics as well...
The apartment building where I lived was located in the center of Moscow, across from White House in Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment. The American Embassy was situated within three blocks from my building and I passed by it at least twice daily, on my way to work and on my way back. In 1991 right across from my building the tragic events of the famous August coup took place—tank cannonry in the center of Moscow while there was no war.
It was at that period in time when on a Sunday mooring while we were driving by the American Embassy, my six-year old daughter announced categorically that she was going to live in America. I laughed at the moment but I liked the idea. Soon I started attending a course in English, knowing that I could refresh my language competence and find a job with a foreign company — that was a new dream I had at the time.
Everything happened in a natural way. I happened to attend a presentation of a Swiss company that was selling special pots and pans, which allowed cooking food in a specific way that was instrumental in healthy nutrition. This offered savings in time and money as well as a healthy way of life — I liked all of that very much. And what was most important—that involved working with people, offering them assistance, and it was exactly what I liked doing. My work started! There were first victories in competitions, articles in a national Russian newspaper, radio interviews... My life was full and very interesting.
But one has to pay for everything. My husband was the first to fail enduring my twenty hours a day, 7 days a week. I had to leave my husband.... I was rapidly building my career in the Swiss company and then came an offer to open a business in America (year 1995). Though I had been dreaming about it that was a very unexpected offer. At that time I had new neighbors in the building in which I was residing at the moment. It was an American family, husband and wife. I shared my happiness and my doubts with them — I told them I had received an offer to go to America to work. I asked them for advice. "America is a country of unlimited possibilities, especially if you work hard. And you have nothing to lose; you can always come back if you don't like it there" - this is how Antoinette expressed her joy and let me get rid of any doubts.
By that time, unfortunately, I did not feel any stability in my own country, nor did I feel safe anymore. Several monetary reforms had taken place and as a result I lost most of my money. The salary of a University professor constituted 300,000 rubles a month. I was making 2-3 million rubles a month and did not know how to manage the money. Nevertheless, my decision to leave my country was not approved by anyone else — neither by my relatives, friends or my colleagues. Moreover, they criticized me for leaving my Motherland and betraying it by my departure. That was the kind of pressures we were living through. That was how the majority of people treated those who were leaving the country. But I had never had a feeling of fear, and my dream to see America had finally ripened by that moment. I decided to risk it and go.
My American friends helped me to leave. Our itinerary went through England. My old dream to see London came true. I was sure that I knew the city very well, but reality surpassed my knowledge and my expectations. I remember the admiration of my baby-daughter and her words: "Mom, why did they lie to us that Russia was the best place to live in?"
We arrived in New York City late at night. The next morning when I left "Astoria" Hotel in Manhattan, fear embraced me for the first time and I broke into tears. I suddenly realized that I was in a strange country, alone with my daughter. All I had was my luggage and $800 in my pocket... The future was an absolute mystery. Manhattan was depressing me with its majesty, power, its stir and its rhythm. I had to become a part of it and I knew there was no assistance to be expected from anywhere.
The first two weeks the company was paying for our hotel in the city, and then we were brought into a completely empty apartment in Brooklyn and told that we were supposed to live there and at the same time it would be the company's office. I was appalled and at a complete loss — there was not even a towel in that empty apartment….
My daughter looked at me in surprise and said, "Mommy, but we did have everything in Moscow!" Trying to revive my eternal optimism, I answered: "My darling, we will have everything here as well, in due time. And meanwhile would you please get ready. We are going out to buy some bed linen and towels."
Very, very soon my traditional work rhythm of 24 hours a day started anew. Meetings, introductions, presentations, first contracts— Several times I was secretly crying at night, but my darling daughter somehow always caught up with my mood and helped. "Mommy, please, let us not leave America.... At the same time I also happened to find her crying at night — it was very difficult for her at school, as English had not become her second native language yet.
In six months the first company office was opened. The Company administration told me they were satisfied with my work. Nine months later weekly fifteen minute cook shows on the TV network started. I was creating the program scenarios myself. I was also the producer, manager, spokesperson as well as the editor. We produced over 100 programs in 3 years. The company business was progressing, as well as my personal business. Two years after coming to the United States I bought a house in New Jersey. One more dream had come true...
Like all teenage girls, probably, in my childhood I was dreaming of becoming an actress, and now... Television shows all over the country, being recognized on New York subways and on the streets, a long line of admirers... Altogether, it was popularity, take it or leave it.
I kept the promise given to my daughter — we became owners of a house that soon reminded us of a cup filled overflowing... I sold my apartment in Moscow, as my daughter and I decided that America had become our second Motherland and we became US citizens. I met a man, and soon we became a family. My work was successfully going on. I was traveling all over the country, I was opening new offices, there were television shows and I met many interesting people... Tell me, what more was there for a woman to dream about?
I like people, as I feel everyone is unique in their own way. I can always find good in people and that gives me a warm feeling and it makes it easy to communicate with others. One of my friends calls me the Duracell Bunny, never stops going and I recharge and prepare myself for the next day.
But Fate was preparing a new surprise. One day changed my whole life — there was a sleepless night, unbearable pain and a long operation lasting several hours... After coming to my senses I was asking myself the same question over and over: "Why? Why did it have to happen to me? Why did I deserve it? How am I going to live on?" It was a tubular pregnancy with all its post operational problems and complications....
On the third day after the operation my former boss called and told me about a device that allowed every woman to watch her gynecological health, her menstrual/ovulation cycles and to avoid problems like those I had gone through. I decided to introduce the device to the American market.
At that moment I thought that what had happened to me did not happen by chance. Could it be a message from above?
After I left the hospital, I spent half a year studying all kinds of research materials and technical literature on the subject. And only after that did I decide that I could not move on without the tester any more, and this was my new mission. Once again, a product that had something to do with health. I made a far-reaching decision—to assure that the little wonder of modern thought and technology would reach millions and millions of women, this may help them to avoid a lot of problems and to be happy in their family lives....
Few of my friends supported my decision. Most of them could not understand my "risky recklessness", as they put it — the idea of leaving behind a high paying job, tremendous popularity, and to start everything from scratch.
I ignored the doubters and opened my own business. Soon the FDA demanded proof of the instruments precision, as it was a completely new device in the American market. It took me several years to get FDA approval, but the precision of the device was proved to be 98% accurate. During all this long time I had no profit at all, and I was investing all the money I had into establishing my new business. My boyfriend could not stand my work and life rhythm. To put it more simply, with all the hardships I had to go through with the business and on top of that my boyfriend... and I had to part.
My fifteen-year-old daughter was assisting me in writing e-mails and preparing miscellaneous documents for the FDA. She would get up at 5:00 a.m. and was working before leaving for school, or would sit up together with me after school hours, sometimes until 3:00 a.m.
Poverty came to our home. There were moments when there was no money for bread and gas. But I did not doubt for a second that I was right in what I was doing, right in having chosen my path in life. Neither the foreclosure of my house nor the huge amount of problems I had to face with the new business could stop me. The dream of bringing the wonder of the tester to women and helping them was my driving force. I can tell you thousands of stories about what has happened to me, and, most unfortunately, most of them are negative — there has been the betrayal of friends, there has been a lot of lies from my partners... But GOD has always been on my side and has always supported me. As far as I am concerned, I have never, even for a moment, been sorry about the decision I made, the decision that has drastically changed my life and has led to temporary hardships and a tremendous amount of problems.
Today I would like to share happiness with you, because my dream has almost come true. Today this miracle, my tester, can be bought in many pharmacies, and among them Walgreens, a huge American Empire. This is one of the first victories on the 6-year long road to achieving my dream: every woman must have the tester at home.
There is long and tedious work in store. As my friends say, managing to stand on my own feet without anybody's assistance, not falling down on this path was something like graduating from a very expensive college — the School of Life. And indeed, today, after having faced hundreds of problems and having solved them all, I can offer a lot of business advice to those who are doing business.
Sometimes, looking back, I cannot understand how I could have overcome all these hardships. Now I have to believe that women can stand up in the face of serious tests without breaking down. Belief in the dream, endurance, and love for people can perform miracles. I am a happy person, because I am bringing joy to thousands of families. Today many thousands of women who have acquired the tester have helped me in my work by sharing their own experience with the tester, and especially by sharing their happiness. All this gave me a new belief that what I have been doing is both right and useful.
My daughter is successfully studying at Penn State University and on the Dean's List, and I believe the life experience she has acquired will help her greatly in life, and all her dreams will come true. I have always kept up my looks. My secrets of looking great: positive thinking, always smile, fight against depression, never fear and never give up; accept bad experiences as a lesson and that everything happens for the best. Maybe it is wisdom... You would not believe it, but I feel and look better now than 10 years ago, meanwhile I work 24/7.
Now I am 46 years old. I go to the gym once a week and have my own secrets for looking young. My friend of many years knows and admires how I keep myself no matter what the situation is.
My advice to women:
-Get rid of Fear and depression
-Let BELIEF, HOPE AND LOVE Accompany you in your life.
-Please, believe!
If you want something very much, it will happen by all means.
Let us not set boundaries to dreams, they happen to COME TRUE!
My last 10 years of stories are coming in the blog soon...